
Defy the Effects of Aging and Restore outhful contours

Recognizing the significance of a personalized approach, every deep plane facelift at Face Austin is meticulously tailored to harmonize with your facial structure and aesthetic objectives. Dr. Antunes utilizes advanced surgical techniques to guarantee that the outcomes align with your desires and appear remarkably natural. With a focus on precision and artistry, Dr. Antunes ensures that each deep plane facelift at Face Austin results in surgical excellence and patient satisfaction.

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a surgical procedure designed to address signs of aging in the midface and lower face by repositioning and tightening the underlying facial tissues. Unlike traditional facelift techniques that primarily target the skin and superficial layers of tissue, the deep plane facelift involves lifting and repositioning the deeper layers of muscles and fat to create a more natural and long-lasting rejuvenation.

The procedure can restore youthful contours and improve sagging in the cheeks, jowls, and neck by lifting and repositioning the underlying facial structures, such as the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system). It’s often favored for its ability to produce natural-looking outcomes and simultaneously address multiple signs of aging, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Antunes examining the patients face

How is a Deep Plane Facelift Different from a Traditional Facelift?

Deep Plane Facelift

  • Repositions deeper facial tissues, including the SMAS
  • Addresses the deeper structures of the face
  • Provides longer-lasting and more dramatic results
  • Offers a more comprehensive and natural-looking outcome

Traditional Facelift

  • Lifts and repositions the skin and superficial layers of tissue
  • Primarily targets the midface and jowls
  • Provides a more youthful appearance
  • Focuses on addressing sagging and wrinkles at a superficial level

Am I a Good Candidate for a Deep Plane Facelift?

Ideal candidates for a deep plane facelift in Austin typically show advanced signs of aging, such as significant sagging in the midface, jowls, and neck, with substantial skin laxity and deep tissue descent.

This procedure offers comprehensive rejuvenation beyond the surface layers of the face, providing lasting and natural-looking results. Candidates should have realistic expectations and be in good overall health, free from conditions that could affect surgery or recovery.

    woman looking up

    What Are the Benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift?

    • Natural-looking results: Repositioning deeper facial structures ensures a more natural and harmonious outcome.
    • Long-lasting effects: The deep plane facelift targeting underlying tissues offers enduring results that stand the test of time.
    • Enhanced facial contours: Restores your youthful and natural l volume and contours, addressing sagging cheeks, jowls, and jawline definition.

        • Minimal scarring: Precise surgical techniques minimize scarring, resulting in discreet and virtually undetectable incisions.
        • Customized approach: Tailored to each patient's unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals, ensuring personalized and satisfying outcomes.
        • Improved self-confidence: Rejuvenates not just the appearance but also self-assurance, empowering you to embrace your newfound radiance with confidence.

        Before, During, and After Your Deep Plane Facelift 


        Dr. Antunes will conduct a personalized consultation to assess your facial anatomy, discuss your goals, and determine if a deep plane facelift suits you. Based on this assessment, he will create a customized treatment plan outlining the procedure details and expected recovery.


        Dr. Antunes makes incisions around the ear to access deeper facial structures during the deep plane facelift. Unlike traditional facelifts, this technique repositions muscles and connective tissue for more significant and long-lasting results. Excess skin is trimmed, and incisions are carefully closed to minimize scarring.


        After the procedure, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, managed with medication and cold compresses. Patients should keep their heads elevated to reduce swelling and avoid strenuous activities. Sutures or drains may be in place initially, with follow-up appointments for their removal. As swelling subsides over several weeks, patients will see initial results with continued improvement over several months. Most patients can resume normal activities within two weeks, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for longer.

        Choose Face Austin for Your Deep Plane Facelift in Austin

        Dr. Antunes specializes in facial anatomy and aesthetic enhancement, delivering personalized care and natural-looking, long-lasting results. He creates customized treatment plans for each patient after thorough assessments and discussions to address individual concerns and goals.

        Beyond surgery, Face Austin provides comprehensive support throughout the entire process, ensuring patients feel informed and confident. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Antunes to learn more about the deep plane facelift in Austin.  

        Face Austin

        Deep Plane Facelift FAQs

        Are there any risks or complications associated with a deep plane facelift?

        Like any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with a deep plane facelift, including infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve injury, and asymmetry. However, these risks are minimized when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

        How long do the results of a deep plane facelift last?

        The results of a deep plane facelift can last up to 10 years or more, depending on factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, and the natural aging process. While the face will continue to age, patients can expect to maintain a more youthful appearance compared to before the surgery.

        Can a deep plane facelift be combined with other procedures?

        Yes, a deep plane facelift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow lift, neck lift, fat grafting, or non-surgical treatments like BOTOX and dermal fillers, to achieve more comprehensive results.

        Will a deep plane facelift address all areas of facial aging?

        While a deep plane facelift primarily targets the midface and jawline, it can also improve the appearance of the neck and lower face to some extent. However, additional procedures may be necessary to address specific concerns such as excess neck skin or prominent jowls.

        What is the typical age range for individuals undergoing a deep plane facelift?

        There is no specific age range for a deep plane facelift, as candidacy depends more on the extent of facial aging rather than chronological age. Patients usually range from their 40s to 70s, but individuals younger or older may also benefit from the procedure if they exhibit significant signs of aging.

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