
Primarily (but not exclusively) affecting men, rhinophyma is abnormal growth of the skin and enlargement of the nose. This growth is benign, not cancerous, but the reddened, bumpy and sometimes distorting growths can be disfiguring.

Rhinophyma causes

Rhinophyma occurs in a minority of patients who suffer from rosacea, a condition more common to women. However, rhinophyma predominantly affects men who are experiencing advanced-state rosacea. Alcohol and caffeine can exacerbate this condition, but are not thought to cause it.

Rhinophyma appears as a reddened, thickened and bulbous nose with bumps or bumpy skin. In some cases, there are prominent blood vessels or abnormal pitting and scarring of the skin. This is caused by chronic swelling and inflammation of the nose, an increased number of sebaceous glands in the nose and dilated blood vessels.

Female with her hand on her neck looking out.

The impact of rhinophyma

Rinophyma is disfiguring and can affect a patient’s self confidence and quality of life. The enlargement of the nose may become severe enough to create or worsen nasal obstruction, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. Additionally, skin cancers in the area may be very difficult to detect because the skin itself can appear quite abnormal.

Who is a candidate for rhinophyma surgery?

Patients who suffer from rhinophyma and want to experience their former nose and facial appearance may be excellent candidates for rhinophyma surgery.

  • The skin on your nose has enlarged and thickened 
  • Enlarged, bumpy skin on your nose is affecting your confidence and quality of life
  • You would like to reduce the size and appearance of your nose
  • You are having difficulty breathing through your nose due to the growths 

What does rhinophyma surgery involve?

The first step of this procedure is a thorough consultation with Dr. Antunes. He will examine your nose, discuss and explain the procedure and lay out a treatment plan for you.

Rhinophyma surgery itself doesn’t usually require general anesthesia and is done under sedation. Utilizing different tools such as electrocautery and C02 laser resurfacing, Dr. Antunes will address the nose fully to restore its original appearance. He will first remove the enlarged, irregular tissue. From there, he will smooth and contour the outside of the nose. Depending on the severity of the rhinophyma, the procedure will take between 30 minutes to two hours. For more severe cases, two procedures may be necessary to achieve the best results possible.

Once the enlarged tissue is removed and the nose is smoothed and contoured, Dr. Antunes will place a bandage over the nose that is designed to keep the skin moist and reduce bleeding.

What can I expect after the surgery?

Dr. Antunes will guide you on when you can remove your dressing and provide an ointment to apply. Be sure to keep your nose clean and moist with the ointment while it is healing. For the first 8-10 days you will experience oozing and crusting. Do not put any other topical agents on your skin other than the ointment provided.

You will be able to notice the decreased size and improved shape of your nose immediately. However, there will be redness and some bleeding that occur in the first 2-3 weeks after surgery during the initial healing stages.

Each patient is unique and will heal differently, but you can expect to see the full and final results in about 2-3 months after the surgery completes.

Why choose Face Austin for rhinophyma surgery?

Your nose is a focal point of your face. When it is disfigured or causing confidence and self-esteem issues or lowering your quality of life, the decision about who to choose to help you with this vital procedure is crucial. 

Dr. Antunes does everything possible to make your experience positive, welcoming and smooth. He is known for his care, attention to detail, and professional expertise. He understands the importance of this surgery for his patients and dedicates himself to giving them the utmost care and most excellent results possible.

Dr. Antunes spent many added years of education to gain two board certifications and is among the most trained and experienced facial plastic surgeons in Austin, TX. His refined techniques, precise surgical skills and focus on providing a superior patient experience make him the ideal surgeon for a custom rhinophyma surgery in Austin, Texas.

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