
Thin lips

If you inherited thinner lips, or are seeing your lips losing volume over time, restoring plump, youthful volume can significantly enhance your look. You may be a candidate for one of the following treatments:

  • Added volume with filler: Your lips and cheeks can be enhanced with carefully injected dermal fillers. Create a more defined Cupid’s bow, add volume to your lower or upper lip, or have a more refined look to your facial profile by enhancing cheek volume.
  • Lip implant: For thinner lips, you can achieve long-term results with a custom lip implant. These implants are soft and pliable, just like natural tissue, and can help you have the lips you want without the need for regular injections.
  • Lip lift: A lip lift involves the precision removal of a small quantity of skin and tissue between the lower nose and upper lip. As the area is subtly lifted, the upper lip reveals more of the colored lip tissue for a fuller upper lip.

Smile lines

At Face Austin, we are committed to helping people look as young and attractive as they feel. If you have deeply-etched smile lines, it is natural that you will be perceived as older. Smoothing smile lines can be achieved with several techniques:

  • Facelift: A mini facelift or full facelift will restore the entire mid to lower face, including smoothing smile lines.
  • Volume with fat vs. fillers: Dermal filler injections will smooth smile lines – but you have the option to undergo natural fat transfer. The difference is that the fat transfer uses your own fat cells and achieves a longer-term result, restoring natural fat to aging skin. Dermal fillers can smooth deep smile lines but will require repeat injections as your body absorbs the filler.

Saggy cheeks

As you age, your skin stops producing natural collagen and elastin. As the skin thins, it begins to sag and droop, creating jowls. This condition can be treated with one of the following procedures:

  • Facelift: The ultimate facial aging resolution is a surgical facelift. When performed with the most advanced techniques, the outcome is exceptionally natural in appearance, never pulled or obvious.
  • Volume restoration with natural fat: Natural fat transfer has advanced aesthetic science forever. Adding natural fat cells to restore lost volume allows your skin to become smooth and firm with long-term results.
  • Volume restoration with fillers: Dermal fillers can be injected into the cheek structure to provide volume and a lifting effect to the lower face.

Fat transfer or fillers?

Both fat transfer and fillers can address saggy cheeks. The advantage of fat transfer is that no synthetic substance enters your body, and the fat cells integrate into your natural skin structure for a result that lasts. Dermal fillers provide a temporary volume restoration but will require regular appointments to maintain the lifted effect. The filler injected is thicker and does not need to be reinjected as frequently as some formulas.

Loss of volume and contour

As your facial tissues age, you can lose the sculpted, firm look of youthful skin. Your facial profile may lose its attractive contour, with the tissues thinning and sagging and lacking refinement and definition. This problem can be resolved in the most beautiful way with the help of dermal fillers or natural fat transfer.

  • Volume restoration with natural fat vs. fillers: You may choose to undergo natural fat transfer if you want to restore skin volume and contour for the long term. As your own fat cells are injected, they become part of your skin structure and produce results that last. With dermal fillers, although the results are temporary, when judiciously and meticulously injected, the results are remarkably natural and beautiful.

Smoker’s lines

Vertical lip lines will give away your age, but are over time, they are almost impossible to avoid. At Face Austin, we perform custom facial rejuvenation procedures to smooth away unsightly lip lines and bring back a youthful, fresh look to your upper lip.

  • Laser treatments: We can laser away lip lines. The light energy entering your skin structure sends a signal to repair and restore, leading to a higher production of natural collagen, significantly smoothing lip lines. 
  • Fillers: Specialized dermal filler formulas that are very thin can be injected meticulously to fill smoker’s lines without creating excess volume that appears unnatural or obviously related to treatment.

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